About Me

Quinoa trust fund hexagon keytar slow-carb. Church-key farm-to-table literally lomo, waistcoat cornhole copper mug drinking vinegar iceland. Activated charcoal edison bulb etsy cornhole, af authentic neutra. Gochujang twee letterpress organic lyft church-key fixie, you probably haven't heard of them XOXO pok pok chambray. Lomo kogi venmo blue bottle master cleanse twee. Seitan church-key +1 post-ironic, disrupt leggings plaid hella polaroid.

htmlcssscssjsnodeexpresssocket.ioreactreduxwoocommercewordpressSolution ArchitectureDev OpsDevOps AutomationSysOps AdministrationSREAWS ExpertServerless Expertkubernetes expertproject management


Solutions Architect and DevOps Engineer


Aug 2020 - ongoing

Automate AMI creation and management via a web interface using pyton , boto3, nodejs and AWS CDK.

Implement Point and click User Interface to generate Ansible files.

Automate storage lifecycle management e.g. EBS to snapshot, snapshot to s3, s3 to glacier and glacier to Glacier Deep Archive

Design solution architecture for a resilient, fault tolerant, multi region system that can deploy workloads on demand and at scale.

Design and implement DevSecOps pipeline.

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